In which we are the protagonists in the low comedy of our economy

This morning I was rereading Merton and Bodie’s “A Conceptual Framework for Analyzing the Financial Environment” in The Global Financial System: a Functional Perspective, published in 1995 but still immensely interesting*. This passage, though, ended the paper: In the traditional bank arrangement, there is a mismatch between the liquidity of the deposits issued by the […]

If the ad exchanges aren’t exchanges, what are they?

I should note that I don’t claim to have had an original thought in my post yesterday on why ad exchanges are not like financial markets/exchanges*. In addition to Huayin Wang‘s insight in the comments, @jonathanmendez points me to a Cogblog post touching on this, and Jordan Mitchell of Rubicon mentions his own post from […]

The limits of the exchange analogy in the ad marketplace

huayin commented on Open source the ad exchange just now on an issue that has been top of my mind for a while. He says We need to be cautious of the limitation of any analogy… In my 2c, Ad Exchange marketplace is an order of magnitude more complex than NYSE! The current ad buying/selling […]

Apple acquires Quattro

A couple of months ago I said Apple had to acquire some advertising DNA. Now they are, by buying Quattro Wireless. I’m not sure why Google, Apple and Microsoft all need to compete in all of each others’ lines of business. It seems to me that Apple’s incipient stranglehold on the mobile internet put Google […]

Open Source the Ad Exchange

My last post, long and long-winded and written when you should all have been out celebrating, sent more traffic my way than any other post in this sleepy blog’s history. I think the prospect of a new year and (in a sense) a new decade, makes us all a bit introspective and open to thinking […]

Musing on luck & Thank You

I was visiting a venture capitalist friend of mine a few months ago, talking about what we thought the future held and what kinds of companies intrigued us. He made a comment regarding a company I liked and he didn’t. He said “I only invest in companies I know will be successful.” On further questioning […]