Don’t let the dumb money lead

When I don’t invest in a company it’s because (a) I didn’t like the company, (b) I didn’t know enough about the company’s business to actually add any value, or (c) I didn’t like the terms of the deal.  But I recently said no to a company where I liked all three of those things. […]

The bubble this time

What is a bubble anyway? A positive feedback loop where the governor is on a time-delay. It’s not necessarily a money thing. It’s just that financial bubbles are easy to spot because price is easy to measure and a graph of the exponential positive feedback followed by the screeching halt (and ensuing positive feedback on the decline) […]

Getting Gold When Buying Iron

“The theory of Induction is the despair of philosophy–and yet all our activities are based upon it.” — Alfred North Whitehead, Science and the Modern World Jonah Lehrer writes, in the New Yorker, [A]ll sorts of well-established, multiply confirmed findings have started to look increasingly uncertain. It’s as if our facts were losing their truth: […]