Open Source the Ad Exchange

My last post, long and long-winded and written when you should all have been out celebrating, sent more traffic my way than any other post in this sleepy blog’s history. I think the prospect of a new year and (in a sense) a new decade, makes us all a bit introspective and open to thinking […]

Pinch and Flurry Merging

Pinch Media and Flurry, the two best providers of analysis services to mobile phone app developers, are merging. This is a huge step in enabling the better monetization of these apps, and I think Pinch/Flurry will be a key enabler in the growth of this market. A year and a half ago I sat on […]

CPMs rising?

So, this has been bothering me for a couple of months. I figure it may well be a figment of the data, or I am abusing the data. But I don’t know, so I’ll put it up… comments welcome. This is a graph of Implied Average Online Display Ad CPM, 2006 through Q2 2009 (left […]

Ad impressions by month

More data. Nielsen Online’s ad impressions per month, via (paid CPM display ads only*.) First, the raw data. Broken out by category, sorted by change from August 08 to today: largest decline on top (software), largest increase on bottom (telecommunications.) Change in four largest categories, and total, since February 06 (Feb 06=100.) And percentage […]

Better than Panglossian

Andrew Goodman did not like my post Eliminate Advertising. He says “in an attention economy, can you logically even conceive of no advertising? Not even remotely.” He doesn’t say why not. But, to be fair, I also don’t believe there will be a time when there is no advertising. In fact, I fear quite the […]

Not yet Enough

I was reading Skidelsky’s critique of Keynes’ “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren“. In Economic Possibilities, written in 1930, Keynes asked What can we reasonably expect the level of our economic life to be a hundred years hence? What are the economic possibilities for our grandchildren? He concluded that by the year 2030, Assuming no important […]

The FCB Grid and its flipside

A while ago I talked about different views on how advertising works. Personally, I’ve never believed in a single theory, people evaluate different products differently. They also evaluate products differently depending on where in their product evaluation cycle they are. So, for instance, household cleaners are advertised informatively, while facial soap is sold with brand […]

Being allowed to make your own decisions, right or wrong

There was a fairly banal column over at the New York Times last Friday, complaining about being condescended to by a bank “customer service” rep.“Did you want to add him to the account, or open a separate joint account?” she asked. “We’ve talked about the options,” I said, giving my husband, James, my secret “not […]

Eliminate Advertising

I was rereading one of my favorite books last weekend, Reinventing the Bazaar: A Natural History of Markets, and came upon this: Entire sectors of a modern economy are devoted to organizing transactions. The retail and wholesale trades and the advertising, insurance and finance industries exist not to manufacture things but to facilitate transacting… Innovating […]

AdMob, Google, Apple

Along with everyone else, I’ve been pondering the Google acquisition of AdMob. Some thoughts: Google needs to be in mobile hosted media; Apple’s early move towards owning that space had the potential to sideline Google. Apple owned the customer. Thus Android and now AdMob. The mobile platform that is successful long-term will depend on the […]