On fixing VC ourselves

What good is it for me to sing helplessness bluesWhy should I wait for anyone else? – Fleet Foxes, Helplessness Blues That’s for Fred Wilson. In his post last month “Can the Crowd Be More Patient“, Fred says We need new medical approaches to preventing and/or curing disease. We need new scientific approaches to generating, […]

That joke’s not funny anymore

“[Y]ou have to assume that humans are capable of looking at facts, finding root causes and formulating solutions. On my planet there’s not much evidence to support this assumption… If humans had the ability to look at facts and make good decisions, think about how different the world would be. There would be only six […]

Selecting, not filtering: Give me a reason to say yes

Raising money for my last startup was humbling, frustrating, time-consuming. But that part was okay: any highly selective process will be humbling, frustrating, and time-consuming. The part that really bothered me wasn’t that it took so much time, but that so much of that time was a complete and total waste. In almost all of […]

Disruptive innovation, buy vs. build, the most pernicious lie in business, and how to know if you’re fooling yourself

If a man has good corn or wood, or boards, or pigs, to sell, or can make better chairs or knives, crucibles or church organs, than anybody else, you will find a broad hard-beaten road to his house, though it be in the woods.  —Ralph Waldo Emerson, big fat liar No matter what the dictionary […]