How to completely disappear in 45 minutes or less (at least from marketers)

Just been reading the FTC complaint against… well, against everyone I know, it seems: the exchanges, the DSPs, the data targeters, the ad agencies, the analytics companies, the whole quantitative marketing shebang. It was pretty straightforward, quoting everyone’s marketing material, making the industry seem much, much larger than it actually is*. Ed Zimmerman has a […]

The End to End Principle in Ad Exchange Design (The Thin Exchange, 2)

Where should decisions about which ad runs where be made? Ajay Sravanapudi, in his recent article on AdExchanger says a DSP is really just a feature on an exchange… A DSP simply uses [RTB API] of an exchange to buy media and run campaigns more effectively. The exchange has an ad server that can deliver […]

Everybody’s an ad exchange (The Thin Exchange, 1)

Everybody’s a DSP? Everybody’s a marketplace. There’s this confusing moving about in the marketplace. AdECN was a pure exchange, and is now part of a publisher. Right Media, same thing. OpenX was a publisher tool, and is now running an exchange. AdMeld similarly. AppNexus was an exchange and is now a DSP (I think.) Same […]

I know it’s a good deal for you.

In the past few months I did not invest in a couple of companies whose businesses I really liked because they were raising seed financing through convertible debt. Convertible debt is essentially a loan with an option to invest in the next equity round at a discount. So, for instance, a typical seed stage convertible […]

The long siege of Corbenic

Darren Herman’s article on AdExchanger this week is more important than it might seem at first read: it’s the first time a major figure in our little adtech industry has pointed out that what we’ve built in terms of exchanges and platforms and data is just a small first step to what we will need […]

Tweet Congress: we want jobs and innovation

If a great company shows up on my doorstep, I try to invest in it. If two great companies show up on my doorstep, I try to invest in both of them. I think it’s pretty much agreed that at this point, the bottleneck in startup formation is not money, it’s great entrepreneurs and great […]

Kicked to the curb

I’m a believer in publisher’s agents (also known as publisher brokers or–the dreaded TLA*–SSPs.) I think it’s pretty obvious that they are a necessary precursor to a reasonably efficient marketplace**. But a lot of people don’t agree with me. Important people. Like Google, and Microsoft. I’ve written before that I think publishers showing up in […]

Duck, duck, goose on the demand side

Mike Walrath in an excellent article over at AdExchanger said “What we’re really talking about here is the race to build the next-generation digital marketing services company.” I would put it more strongly: the DSPs, the ad agencies and the ad networks are on a collision course*. Once upon a time it was pretty easy […]

We looked at the man behind the curtain. Then we got bored and looked at something else.

I am either proud or dismayed to report that Reaction Wheel is the top organic result on Google for searches like “Is Advertising Good or Bad?” For your amusement, traffic from these searches over the past year. Concern over whether advertising is good or bad peaked in November and has declined since (February is, so […]

Prepping for a meeting with someone who wants to become a VC

Like pretty much everyone else on earth, it took only a few months at my first full-time job to convince me that what I had always thought I wanted to do was not what I wanted to do for even one more day. So I went and talked to a ton of people about careers […]